My birth experience 

So, many have known me through both pregnancies with my kids but some have not..I’ll give you a little background on Zariah.  

At a monthly appointment with my OB I mentioned wanting to attempt labor naturally, to which she replied “you know it’s gonna hurt right?”, haha ok, apparently she thought I was an idiot or some people really think labor is painless.  From that SUPER encouraging moment, I knew I atleast wanted to labor at home as long as I could (plus they won’t let you stay to deliver unless you are x amount of centimeters dilated, in 2013 it was 5 cm, not sure if it still is).  Labor started and I lasted about 2 days at home until I couldn’t take the sporadic contractions anymore, none of them were consistent!  I was checked at the hospital and was only 4 cm, they would have sent me home if it were not for her dipping heart rate. This is where the fun began.  I made it to 6 cm and then opted for an epidural so I could “sleep” but uh, reality check you don’t.  Nurses kept coming in to check me, monitors, ask questions, etc.  don’t forget the contraction monitor printing even when your numb and it still shoveling out paper.  Oh then, my dear husband was clueless about birth, was tired and hangry and a horrible help with anything. Then the time came, 9 cm, I wasn’t progressing fast enough in their time frame and was told at 5:30 pm on July 21 that if I didn’t progress within the hour I’d have to have an emergency c section, cue panic, I wanted no one cutting into my abdomen.  Prayers were answered and I made it to 10 cm in the designated time frame.  Then came the time to push, my doctor finally came in, not looking happy to be there.  After my first round of pushes she yawned and stared at my progress between my legs, due to an epidural I asked rather comically “am I boring you?” We moved on and Z was delivered at 6:29 pm July 21, 2013.  She was gorgeous and sweet.  Long story needing to come to and end, another 3 days at the hospital due to her needing monitoring and another 3 nights of no sleep, not because of baby but blood draws, heart checks and the bright lights nurses insisted on turning on at 3 am. Not my favorite experience aside from a beautiful baby girl.

Surprise baby happens November of 2016, I’m terrified but know one thing for sure, I’m not doing the hospital again, no way.  I met my midwife at 12 weeks pregnant, taking jacob with me we talked about what was involved.  I made the choice and he supported me.  Day of delivery, you have heard me say that unmedicated birth was brutal, it was but not in a way that says I would never do it again (if we were having more kids, which we are not).  Labor hurt just the same as with Zariah but contractions were consistent and I was in control.  I moved where I wanted and ate what I wanted, I sat in the dark or watched Netflix.  Finally when I saw contractions closer I called my midwives, Heather and Jennifer, they arrived at 3 am on August 1, stayed until 6 only to have me show no progress from the 3 cm I had been upon their arrival.  They left, had breakfast and rested up.  9:30 am my contractions got more intense and by 11:45 they were back at my house.  I could no longer talk through contractions, could no longer comfort myself with swaying or walking.  Remember that “useless” husband as mentioned before?  Guess where he was this time?  Right in front of me letting me hang my weight on him with each contraction, telling me I was almost done.  Through each contraction he was the voice I heard telling me I could do it, this is what we’ve waited for, we’re almost there.  He brought me watermelon, refilled my ice water constantly, took care of my daughter until someone could get there to watch her and he only got better from there.  Time for the tub!  Oh god oh god I was gonna have to actually get this thing out, the only thing I was scared of.  Contractions I could do but the whole…exit part?  Stepping into that birthing tub I was surprised how hot it was, I expected warm but holy smokes!  It was soothing and also caused me to profusely sweat. Then came super husband with ice cloths being wet and re wet as they were placed on my shoulders, neck and face.  With each push his hand was on my back supporting me and that same voice telling me to breath and I was almost there, Midwife Jennifer let me squeeze the crap out of her hand and Heather kept coaching me.  This is where my yelling was happening, in the tub, “I can’t do it, “I don’t feel like I’m doing anything!”, “get it out!”….finally at 3:05 pm he came out and dad cried, before he even knew he had his son, “you did it babe”.  I cried too.  We both went from emotionless zombies (no tears shed at Zariahs birth, so sad I know) to tears and support at our homebirth.  Soren David Wait was born in the water on August 1, 2017.  

If you ask my husband, he will agree this was such a positive experience and the best way (if able) to have a baby.  We paid out of pocket yes but it was worth it.  For me, I felt everything and it was painful but guess what?  You learn how much of a beast you can actually be….and oh yes it was worth it.  For more gory details feel free to ask 🙂 but welcome to my personality, the tawanda. Jump and do something crazy, you won’t regret it, not this one anyways ;). I’m thankful that God gave me the strength I asked for in delivery, my own internal strength and the strength of those in the room when I felt I had none, especially Jacob.  Birth is intense, it will test you physically and mentally but goodness I can’t argue feeling like a beast and thoroughly enjoy people’s faces (included nurses) when I say I gave birth at home, unmedicated. Booya!

One thought on “My birth experience 

  1. Soooooo many tears!! ❤️❤️❤️ So proud! And in awe! So happy that you had Jacob right there! And that you saw it through!! ❤️❤️
    He’s precious and amazing! And I can’t wait to meet him!!!


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